
By CharlotteJ

Oi’ what you lookin’ at!

Apologies for the lame blip

Ducks have a serious attitude problem and even more so on private land!! Chris has started to run with me on my ‘rest’ days and he is doing well, we went for a run this evening as Chris had a rare home early moment and came across these ducks / geese , and then we realised technically we were on private property/2.3mile worth of drive way…oooops. Gotta love living in the country, never too sure if country lanes are private or not!
The H&S issue I was dealing with has all been sorted but now another issue to resolve….a formal complaint about an employee’s insubordination and failure to follow reasonable management requests has come though. Why can’t people just behave and do as asked??

Anyway, happy Wednesday, its nearly the weekend


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