What's that!!!!

This baby chaffinch was not at all impressed with what it had been given by the male chaffinch. It's not quite in focus as the baby was doing a funny head dance too, which they seem to do before being fed !

I'm surprised that there are still lots of fledglings which I think must be from a second brood. Not only are there chaffinches but greenfinch , dunnocks and Great tits. My family of three sparrows has increased by more than half so I now have a little chirpy hedge :)

We took Richard back to Inverness as he needed some frames and mounting boards for his posters which he would nt be able to get back on his bike.

I had to take my hotter shoes back in the end as they were too loose :( The lady in the shop was not very impressed and quite rude. I think a few people had returned shoes that day but there was no need to be rude, certainly put me off going back again. I said we had been away on holiday so could nt return them before now. The other friendly assistant asked where and I told her Orkney. The woman looked at me and said 'They are generous with their portions over there !' not quite sure what she meant by that !

Managed to get a few bits to finish the bunting for Friday. Looking forward to putting it all together tomorrow and I will be watching the baton relay as it travels through Orkney.

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