All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Fruit Picking

Ethan said to me last night "It's mummy and Ethan day tomorrow! And so it is! I had thought I'd miss the "me time" 2 hours I used to get on a Wednesday and Thursday when he had his nursery funded sessions. But in fact I'm relishing getting whole days together with him. I'm going to really miss this when he starts school!

We had an early appointment at the vets today for Cleo. I noticed a few days ago that her claws have got so long, they have started to grow in towards the pads of her feet. She's a very feisty cat, so they booked a double appointment for her and had planned for a couple of nurses to clip her claws - one to hold her down and one to clip them. However she was hissing and spitting so much, they only managed to do her back ones. They had to give her a sedation to do the others - I hate signing those consent forms knowing there is a risk, especially at her elderly age, but they couldn't be left as they were. Fortunately she was fine, albeit a bit grumpy about it!

Ethan and I left her at the vets for a few hours while we went to Craigies Farm to do some fruit picking. We ended up picking strawberries, blackcurrants, gooseberries and raspberries. Ethan made pals with another wee boy who was there with his mum - turns out they only live a few streets away from us although we've never seen them before!

After having lunch there, then picking up Cleo and taking her home, we went to the Almond Valley Heritage Centre to meet Lesley, and her children. It was such a hot day and it was very busy there. However we discovered a maze there (I'd read about it on their Facebook page the other day) that despite having being regular visitors there for 4 years now, neither of us knew it existed. Ethan and Logan really enjoyed charging round the area and even better - no one else was there!

The weekly shop at Sainsbury's finished before home for a later dinner. I really need a sit down now!

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