Tech Woes

Things, tech things that is, appear to be conspiring against me today. It started out OK with me buying a Bluetooth speaker, which worked fine when paired with my phone. Then the TV started playing up, shortly before the big match. Goodness knows what's wrong with it, it just puts a banner error message in the middle of the screen saying Not Available. Not easy to see the action going on behind it! So resorted to tablet. Worked for a while though the speaker decided to start playing jazz at the same time as the commentary,the tablet then froze. Laptop next, great at first, though couldn't connect Bluetooth, then started buffering, and wouldn't resume the match. Gave up at that point until later when I started fiddling with the TV again. Was able to watch last ten minutes and now into extra time, though message still randomly coming on.

Seems I'll be in the market for a new telly soon!

In other news: After tea we took Dylan for a walk near where we are hoping to move to. There is a nice wild area close by along Shottery Brook, great for dog walking. Then we wandered down Church Lane to the allotments where I took this photo.

Late News: That certainly went to the wire, though I think the best team won, albeit on penalties

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