Sol LeWitt at Yale

We drove to New Haven today for lunch with friends*. While waiting for them to arrive at the Yale University Art Gallery I captured this Sol LeWitt wall drawing through a doorway to a corridor off the large lobby. The reflection on the left is from a glass partition; it extends further left to a courtyard--since that it much less pronounced, I cropped it away. I also cropped the other borders very slightly--otherwise the image is exactly as I saw it.

*The friends: Marge and Steve from Westchester, and their old friend Tarja visiting from Finland. We didn't stay at the gallery; we had lunch and then returned to Northampton to see the Netherlands play Argentina. We had to leave that after regular time to do my presentation at the Westhampton Library; we learned afterwards that Argentina won on penalty kicks.

I've added this image to my long reflections series.

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