
Another grrreat day where the Boss and Bossess made voluntary contributions to the Ausi retail economy. We are heading home tomoro and big T will be bark in the saddle ....so to mini bark....but The Boss wanted to take a last shot to share and captured this view last night on his fruit phone on the way bark from seeing the show "Strictly Ballroom" but it is a bit hard for a shaky bloke like The Boss to hold everything still enough so he returned tonight with his trusty mini tripod and had to get a bit creative when it wasn't tall enough to peek over the bridge rail so plan B was invoked where he jammed the tripod between his camera pak and the bridge rail and tried not to breath.
We have had a grrreat week tho it wall be really grrreat to see big T again with her curls washed no doubt.
bigger and more stars

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