Lenny Loves This!

By WendyACarter

Leo - Finally we get his eye drops.

Well we should be getting back to normal now after 5 lovely days away in Barcelona, but on the Tuesday before we left Leo had another seizure which needless to say was a little unsettling.

The seizure wasn’t as bad as the one he had in January this year, but it is still upsetting to see. The vet had advised that if we could get Leo up to the clinic immediately he could take a blood test to check for any metabolic problems, so that is what we did.

When I called to find the results I had suspected the worst, but grateful, or not, I am still not sure, his blood work is perfect.

From the seizures point of view we are now going to leave things alone and see how it goes. If they become more severe, and / or more frequent then the vet will look to give Leo Valium.

His left eye is still pretty blood shot, some days are worse than others, but we now have the eye drops for his right eye (Cyclosporina). I now have two dogs on Cyclosporina, and in truth I am not keen on the drug from what I have read but I have been advised that sadly Leo’s right eye is going to need the Cyclosporina daily.

He is veg’ing out at the moment whilst it is quiet and calm which is lovely to see, though he is still keeping a beady eye on us.

Love my boy x

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