My Best Efforts - Year 3


Comings and Goings......

..........Lucky folk - they are on their way and we are just returning!

Seen from our plane as we were advised that we should be landing very shortly!

We have had a long flight and I admit to feeling somewhat weary, not helped by the fact that my back and leg have been giving me jip - but only for the past day or so - I'm not grumbling.

No trouble with our baggage this time though the organisation at Terminal 2 was pitiful - it's a very long walk from the plane to the bus for the airport and the pusher of my wheelchair had been sent to the wrong plane exit then to top it all, no one had any idea of which bus stop we needed to catch the bus to the long stay carpark! Airport Authorities - for goodness sake get your staff trained properly - the terminal has been open for at least 5 weeks!

Anyway, we're home safe and sound after a wonderful time in the States!

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