Bus Challenge No 23!


London Life!

A quiet day yesterday left me with itchy feet so, on the spur of the moment, I booked myself coach tickets to London for today. £5 each way, bargain!!

An early start to the day and a bus into Bath took me to the coach to London, where I boarded yet another bus! The Number 11 took me on a scenic journey, past Westminster Abbey and Cathedral, The Houses of Parliament, Downing Street and Horse Guards Parade to a busy, bustling Trafalgar Square. Who needs to pay for a bus tour of London when you can sit on top of one of the new fleet of double deckers with wrap around windows? Wonderful views all the way!

Once in Trafalgar Square, it was good to sit and enjoy the atmosphere on a beautiful sunny day, before heading into the National Gallery for a guided tour of some of the highlights of the collection. I only had four hours in London, so after the tour it was time to head off along The Mall to Buckingham Palace to say hello to the Queen, before heading back to Victoria for the coach home.

A long bus/coach journey and only a short visit to London today, but it was well worth doing, and hopefully something I will do again another day.

The only disaster I had was to arrive in London with a low camera battery warning flashing, and to discover that my two spare batteries were still at home! So I'm afraid this is one of the few tourist snaps that I actually managed to grab from the bus on my way to Trafalgar Square, before my camera became as dead as a dodo! Very frustrating!! But I do like this photo as, to me, it sums up London: busy traffic and people hurrying everywhere, against a backdrop of stunning architecture!

Total bus/coach journey times = 7h 50 mins
Total waiting times in between buses = 50 mins
Total bus journey time = 8h 40 mins

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