B mused

By becah

The only.....

....pic I took today!

It's been a loooooooooong 12 hour day at work and as I've gone about my business in the sweltering heat I've been well jel of all those lucky sods in their shorts and flip flops lolling about and soaking up rays :(

On an amusing diet aside - I'm on that my fitness pal app thingy where you input your exercise and food intake blah, blah, blah. So I'm on a 1400 calories a day and whatever exercise you do means that you can that many more calories. I have been so busy today and completed my diary just now only for it to tell me that I can still consume 1546 calories!!! Oh, and that if every day was like this one in 5 weeks I'd way 10st 10lbs!!!! Bloody hell, must try harder!!

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