
By blipblog

Happy Birthday to us!

One year ago today, Blipfoto was released into the wild.

At midnight last night, there were 42,684 Blipfoto entries and 221,410 comments.

If you printed all the photographs out as standard 6x4" prints and arranged them in a line, they'd stretch from Edinburgh to London. For our American friends, that's the same as 1,467 Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other (including the lightning rod at the top).

If you assembled the photographs in order and played them back at 30 frames a second, you'd have a 24 minute long epilepsy-inducing movie (we know because we tried it).

If each comment only contained four words, that would still be more than is contained in the Old and New Testament, combined. Holy moly!

Almost half the people who've ever posted an image are still doing so regularly. Is Blipfoto more addictive than heroin?

To mark our first birthday, we wanted to create something permanent which would show off the depth and quality of content that's been created in our first year (no, it's not the cake above - that was a good idea that didn't turn out so well. At least we get to eat it now).

So here it is. Every time you load it, the following page randomly selects one entry from each of our first 365 days:

Blipfoto ~ the first 365 days

(Please be patient - there's so much stuff for our poor database to search through that it might take a few seconds to load up...)

Happy Birthday to all of us and thanks for making our first year so memorable.

EDIT: The page above is no longer randomly selecting entries - once we all started looking at it, the server became a tad... err... overloaded. We'll see if we can find a more sensible way of doing it... watch this space...

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