Tarawera Times

By Megl

Just watching

I have been completely blown away by the wonderful comments from so many people after yesterday's blip that put it into the Spotlight and it is still there! Thanks so much everyone.

Today's blip is a bit more low key, I had planned to take photos of the grandson at the BMX track before he went home, but not only did the rain come, his ride back home was early. End of that idea.

Spotted this kereru sitting in my kowhai tree this afternoon, they are such big magestic birds and I just love seeing them around. At this time of the year they enjoy the new shoots on the tree, they make a real mess tossing bits on the ground, and they also eat a lot of the wee flower shoots meaning we don't get as many brilliant yellow flowers in the spring. But I can forgive them as they are so beautiful!

It is so quiet now that Cody has gone home, but have some other family arriving shortly.

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