Capturing small moments..

By Milli

Wishful thinking....

‘Six of one and half a dozen of the other’

ok, ok, I admit it, guilty as charged! Firstly the quote does not go with the sunset at all, and however much I wish, I am not in Cuba right now!

But I feel I ought to explain the above.

Excuse 1 - The photo was obviously not taken today, but the ones I did take during my lunch break could not be uploaded to my computer as I have forgotten my cable at home!

Excuse 2 – Its meant to be summer, and it’s been grey and raining practically the whole day, so I should be allowed to be transported to warmer climates through my Blip and enjoy temporary bliss right?

Excuse 3 – the quote , is one I have never heard before, and when a work colleague used it as a figure of speech, I loved it! Thanks Rachel! I have now memorised it, and am waiting to use it!

Have a great Friday, I am looking forward to a family reunion tonight with plenty of food blended with lots of fun

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