A Week in Wildlife

I know that technically it's not over yet, but this has been a brilliant week. It started with the Tour de France passing our house, not normally my thing, but it was such a great event for Yorkshire! On Monday, a local walk revealed lots of butterflies and some nice bird sightings close to home. Tuesday was a bit special; not only did I do the long-anticipated walk to the source of the Don, but it proved to be an amazing day for wildlife - Owl (probably short eared) Roe Deer, Mountain Hares, Buzzards and Stonechat. Wednesday, a night outing and sightings of Nightjars at close quarters and again on Thursday. When I got home, a Tawny Owl called and flew low across my head in the garden. Added to all this, the badger which I've been capturing on my trail cam has been a regular nightly visitor with occasional hedgehog visits. And this morning, I looked out of the kitchen window first thing and saw this female Great Spotted Woodpecker We thought it was a bit of a fluke when the juvenile male appeared, but since then, both a male and a female have been visiting intermittently.
Blip sorted without moving from the house.

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