my little eye

By clarebeme


Our two girls get on with each mostly, which is a blessing I count often. But they're rivals as well of course and each keeps a weather eye on what the other is doing or getting.

Elsa was at the Barbican today and bought herself one of these fabulous stick-to-anything-smooth suction notebooks. When the rest of us arrived after school to see her perform the green eyed monster leapt onto Alice's shoulder and sat spitting into her ear.

To give her credit she didn't make a big fuss, it's not her style, but she did make one or two choice remarks. It worked a treat and as you can see (this time) we caved in and bought her one as well. They spent the rest of the evening sticking their notebooks to windows and doors and buses. They fell off the pigeons.

The performance was great by the way. Elsa's been part of 'Barbican Box', a project that pairs groups of school kids with mentors from Theatre Complicite. Each school was given a large box of (the same) props which they used to inspire the theatrical ensemble pieces that they performed today in the beautiful Barbican theatre. Really thoughtful and impressive pieces they created. Well done them. And lucky them - such a great opportunity. I think Alice was a bit jealous...

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