
By TitsMcGee


Oh dear.

One day back and back blipping already!!!

This was a day to remember.

Got home from work to find that Jerry the naughty puppy had done a dirty protest about his food.

My kitchen floor was covered in something smelly and explosive.

As he's having his eye op next week a quick trip to the vets was in order.....only to find out he has developed an intolerance to his food.

£60 later.....

Then it was off to TWW for a cake in the garden party.

Oh how fabulously ridiculous we all were.

How none of us aren't diabetic or in a sugar induced coma I do not know.

The fun you can have with sweety teeth.

Although TWWs neighbour may not agree as he felt the need to shout SHUUUUT UUUUUP!!! at us at 11:15pm just as we were getting ready to leave.

So of course we stayed out for another hour chatting very intelligently of course, with not one mention of how much one needed to be paid to eat poo!!!!!!

Thank you all for my lovely messages from Thursday.

It's good to be back!!


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