Making History

Well what a weekend we are having! After another leisurely breakfast with much story telling and singing of the Wombles, we took the bus to Holyrood Palace and walked up Salisbury Crags to take in the view. On our return to ground level we had tea with Her Majesty...well in the cafe at Holyrood and then visited the Great Tapestry of Scotland Exhibition in the Scottish Parliament Building. I have to say we were overwhelmed by it: 420 million years of Scottish History depicted on a tapestry which took 50 000 sewing hours by 1000 stitchers, using 300 miles of yarns (apparently enough to lay the length of Scotland and beyond!). There are 160 panels in total and we got to make history by adding some stitches to the final panel which depicts the Opening of the Scottish Parliament Building in 1999.

So here are Helen and JeanneB53 adding their stitches. When we get home I will upload our weekend blips, including lots taken of the tapestry today, and publish the link. Whether you are a stitcher or not, you cannot fail to be wowed by the creativity and the finished work.

I had another special moment today. My lovely pals gave me a Highland Stoneware quaich (pronounced quake) for organising the weekend, smashing! Here is Corinthian Column's blip from yesterday's walk by the Waters of Leith.

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