Old skool

This is a Ricoh 500 G (Circa 1971/2). Corin spotted it in the window of our local charity shop this morning. I went back and got it - a bargain at £5, even if it never gets used, it is a piece of camera history. The camera is in absolutely mint condition as well. Wonderful. i have bought film. It's got an interesting focus method, but given it's age, it is actually quite 'technical' in some senses.

Bad back has plagued me all week, in fact has got worse as the week has progressed. I think my over zealous cleaning spree last weekend is the root cause, with me spending a couple of hours cleaning, polishing and buffing the stone worksurfaces in our kitchen. It's official - cleaning IS bad for you. I digress. I woke up this morning in absolute agony, but was able to get an appointment for acupuncture by mid morning so off I trundled. I must admit, I was sceptical, but equally I was in that much pain that I probably would have taken any suggestions at that point. After an hour or so of needling, cupping (that's interesting) and a bit of massage (this is genuinely starting to sound a bit dodgy now) from a man with an accent, who was called Andreas, I felt a bit better.

Immediately felt worse when I went to pay for my treatment and discovered that Andreas is one of the few therapists at the centre who does not have a machine that enables customers to pay by card. I didn't have any cash. Bugger, bugger, bugger. however, the receptionist was wonderful and assured me that it wasn't a problem. I offered to go and get cash and call back. I was told not to put myself out, that it was fine and I could pay on Tuesday when I go back for a follow up session. I genuinely thought the days of that sort of trust were gone. Reassuring to know that there are still some places that believe in people - made me feel quite positive.

Home, slumped on the sofa and stayed there for a couple of hours, still suffering a bit and feeling miserable. But then around 5pm realised that the acute pain I had been experiencing had actually eased to the point that it wasn't bothering me at all.


Managed to cook tea (risotto, with chicken cooked in white wine, cream and parmesan sauce) whilst watchin Bliptogether streaming live from Edinburgh. Cool.
Cooking with wine

Wondering if the bliptogether image stream could be made into a screen saver...maybe with 3 strips of the photos running across screen ...two in one direction, one in the other (it was Corin's idea!)

Off to look online for motorbikes. The desire to ride has returned....

Blip meet tomorrow. Liverpool Lime Street (Costa Coffee) @ 12 noon.

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