"Over to your left ..."

I decided to go birding today and so naturally I took hold of my fast superzoom and got going. It was a beautiful LOOKING day in the mountains. The colour was brilliant. True ... the wind chill temperature WAS -1.9 degrees at 10:30 am, but I was determined to get a colour picture of a bird .... so naturally I came back with a black & white picture of some people ... as you do..

I am standing on the upper level of the Evans Lookout at the Grose Valley, near my Blackheath home. Unfortunately the lower most shadow disappears behind the upper level rise, the edge of which has been cropped to avoid a pointless distraction. That's a pity but I had to be quick because the tour group was moving off and I really liked the arrangement of figures as it momentarily was.

I have allowed myself a couple of self indulgent blips lately. Thank you for your interest and encouragement.

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