
By Chook

Arse Like a Baboon

J's day involved:
Up at 5.30.
Cycling by 6.40.
Total climb of 3891m.
He did it though.
Just over ten hours.
Still had a smile at the end (but didn't manage to stay awake on the drive back to Melbourne).
Amazingly reckons he's not really that sore (I'm sure he'll be feeling it tomorrow despite his protests to the contrary).
Only complaint at the moment is that above.

Crazy, but pretty tops.
Possibly not as crazy as the 72-year-old man who did the whole course in sandals though.

My day was a lot more leisurely:
Up at 5.30 also.
Into town to see them all off.
Walk by the river.
Fry-up for brekky.
Back to the house.
Lay outside on the picnic rug.
Up to Towonga Gap to watch them come over the hill.
Back into Bright to meet J for lunch.
Hung out at the French Festival in town for the afternoon.
Cheered them on as they came over the finish line.
Long drive home with Ray La Montagne and a beautiful sunset for company.

The flip side of long, steep ascents is crazy descents. There were a number of crashes. Ambulance guys kept pretty busy, as this photo attests...

Backblipped yesterday.

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