I said try to look intelligent !

George's 16th Birthday Party at Crystal Lilies.

His birthday didn't get off to the best start as Poppy came trotting into our room first thing with an opened condom wrapper in her mouth!!! A heated exchange ensued with George denying all knowledge where it had come from, until I took the wrapper out of Poppies mouth only to find it had "coriander seeds" stamped on it . . . sorry George, I never doubted you!

We then had a great day in town trying to spend his birthday money, (you know the feeling when you have money and just cant find anything you want, but the week before you could have spent a fortune but had no money?) He's saving for next years World challenge, so spending isn't the pleasure it should be at the moment.

Then it was Crazy Golf time at the Cornerhouse, followed by the Chinese in the evening.

Finally we all ended up sitting in and around the Gazebo under the new lights (the old Christmas lights) eating Birthday cake and playing Water gun roulette . . .

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