
By Weecritters

Just do what you feel!

These pretty flowers are next to a busy road right next to traffic lights...they were planted by our local council. I wonder how many people see them while they wait for the lights to change. I know some see me from the toot of their car horns while I tip toed among them to get a few shots.

Then a guy joined me....I struck up a conversation about how beautiful they were...he explained he used to work at the Botanical gardens in Edinburgh & now had his own gardening company & knew the man who planted this stunning display.

Our conversation went like this...

Him: "I have passed them often lately but thought I would look daft stopping to look at them, but then I saw you & took the chance to see them he didn't look so daft!"
Me: "the way I see it, I don't know who these people are passing by in their cars & I will never see them again in my life so why should you care what they think of you?"
Him: "that's true, I may take a leaf out of your book, it's a good way to think."

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