
By AnneILM60

My reward

Today was my Neurology appointment for my Multiple Sclerosis check up. It's a 2 hour drive to the doctor's office.

We were up early and out the door headed to Raleigh. I took with me 2 dozen cream cheese croissants I had bought at Burney's in Elizabethtown while at White Lake. I wanted to give them a small token of appreciation for their wonderful documentation as I know without a doubt, that is what enabled me to get qualified for disability without any appeals.

As always, see Dr Freedman was a blast and he gave me the green light to go on as is for another 6 months. Kent then took me to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch as my reward as we always do on these trips.

By the time we get home it is almost 5pm so it is a whole day affair.

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