New Year, New Life

By jenpedler

Two days a week if it's not raining...

... they touch up the bookbenches if they've got scratched. This is the Sherlock Holmes bench in Woburn Square getting some tlc this evening.
I mentioned that I had noticed the paint was chipped on the Mrs Daloway bench in Gordon Square and they explained that they worked their way round all the benches but had to prioritise ones that were most in need of attention or ones where events were scheduled to take place.
This bench will be the site of a Guinness World record attempt for the most people dressed as Sherlock Holmes taking place next Saturday. Would be fun to see but I'm doing something else so will miss it.
The poor old 1984 bench in Torrington Square has suffered more serious damage though and been taken back to 'the library' for repair (as a notice on the empty plinth says). It's been away for a week now. The painters weren't sure what had happened to it or when it will be back.

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