
By Graphicsguru


As I was walking up the street at lunchtime, I heard this "odd" engine sound coming up from behind me in the street and getting closer. I turned to see these two young lads, driving the John Deere Gator. Shortly after they passed me, they turned into a parking lot where the older one jumped from the driver's seat and was replaced by the younger one. I don't know how old you need to be to drive one of these things, but whatever the age, he certainly didn't appear to be quite "old enough". That supposition was borne out almost immediately when he attempted to back up and turn was almost comical!

I remember my first driving lesson when several of us took a friend's "field car" (not legal on the highway), and drove it around the back country roads without permission. We never got caught, but back then there was nobody around with a digital camera! :-)

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