Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

It Worked!

The light fixture over the table in our kitchen, where we eat most of our meals, stopped working recently. I replaced the dimmer switch, and it worked for a few days before quitting again. After much testing and head scratching, I deduced that I had used the wrong dimmer, causing the transformer in the ceiling fixture to fail.

This meant that I had to take everything down from the 9ft-high ceiling. I realized that I either needed to grow a couple more hands and arms, or figure out a way to support the weight of the light while I unscrewed things and disconnected wires. The latter seemed more feasible. I made a simple plywood platform that attached to one of my photo light stands, and placed the stand on the table. Voila!.

I hope I can find a replacement transformer -- a new light would cost over $200.

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