
By middaypyjamas

Trapped Sunset

I got shorn today, aka got a haircut, and now my head feels cold. It didn't help that the day was exceptionally chill and that my house, where I spent most of my day, seems to be perpetually a few degrees colder than outside. After I returned home with substantially less hair than I had left with I locked myself into the cold study and plugged in the heater, to write.

Really good day for my screenplay today as I got a good chunk of my second draft of plotting done. I should get the rest of it done (if all goes well) in maybe a weeks time and while I'm sure third and fourth drafts will probably be necessary, I'm planning to start writing the screenplay then.

In other news I went for another one of my patented D Robb sunset walks in the evening where I took this photo, and cleared my head in the cool of the evening.

Another day done.

- Damian

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