
By Mo

I blame the (grand)parents

This is the book Andrew brought home from school library this week. As soon as he saw it, Matthew tucked himself away in a corner of the kitchen to get a sneaky read of it first.

I wasn't quite sure how I felt about Andrew having it. It's pretty scary, to my eye, for a 7 year old (P3) and it has been classified in the school library as suitable for P6 and above. But I shouldn't be surprised that the boys have inherited their father's love of graphic novels. So it's his fault.

However, the sticker bottom left shows that the book came into the school library as a result of a fundraising activity which was partly my doing. So it's my fault. Hmmm.

Luckily I remembered my mum. She had a "book a day" habit and always encouraged me to read as much as possible. When I was about 7 or 8, she gave me half of my dad's library tickets (back in the days when it was real tickets) so that I could borrow anything I wanted from the adult section. She never flinched no matter what I chose. And, boy, did I read some stuff!

So, upon reflection, I have decided that we have my mum to thank. We're lucky to have children who love to read. Remind me of that, Red, when I'm up half the night dealing with the nightmares.

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