Lucy's Adventures in Life

By SpoonAngel

A Remarkable office

It's a pun becaouse the mountain range is called the Remarkables ohohoho.

Anyhows this is the view on my commute to work. Not bad hey ^_^ The Remarkables is one of only two mountain ranges in the world that run true North to South and is my favourite of the two ski slopes I work at for two very good reasons.

1. Sunshine. I get to stand outside in the sunshine (when the weather isn't shitty awful) whilst Coronet Peak is opposite it and gets zip all sun so is cold even on good days.

2. Relax levels. Coronet has systems in place for everything. Theres a queue system to set up, people to reroute to carparks and several different queues. Remarks has none of this, so while a little more chaotic I at least have zero effort on set up

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