Gifts of Grace

By grace

The Big Pour

Much concrete was poured this morning, tons of the stuff. They did tell me how many cubic metres but I forget. Dull, grey weather but I went wth this one because you can see the other digger bashing away in the distance. At the same time the workmen who have been stripping back and reproofing our masonry for several weeks now were drilling and mixing cement. Truly there has been no let-up in the din. The noisiest summer I can remember. But needs must and I'm glad it's getting done.

The most impressive thing was these giant guys fair dancing along the top of the formwork, above a twenty-foot drop, no hard-hats, no ropes, in steel toe-capped boots. Such confidence and agility. You either got it or you ain't. I ain't.

The boss came and had a word, fearful that I was going to publicise their health'nsafety indiscretions on social media. He says they prefer to work unencumbered, I believe him. So I post this more in the spirit of admiration than whistle-blowing.

One thing that I'm not so sure about is that they have remodelled the nearer of my two sit-spots with the surplus concrete. Right now it looks like what it is - a tip. It'll take a couple of storms to wash away the debris, to let nature reclaim it so I can see what's left.

#am posting elsewhere

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