
By SLPlearning

Slow Down You Move Too Fast

I find out something new every day, taking photos of the things I like, then trying to track down something interesting to say about them. Apparently this little lovely is called Impatiens (I knew that of course), but I didn't know it's also called the Slow-Down-and-Give-the -World-a-Break Flower.

So I looked up the slow down advice and came upon this little gem.

'We are busy people. We have so many things to do. The last thing we have on our mind is slowing down. Life in the fast lane is fleeting. Maybe it's time to stop the busyness and slow down. You cannot keep the fast pace forever. Stop living too fast. Take a different approach today. Spend some time meditating. Think about the direction of your life. Rediscover the sense of wonder.

Love deeply. Show gratitude. Do something good for someone else. Have fun and play. Simply live in the moment. Rest. Make time in your life for the things that matter.
Be patient with yourself, it takes time to slow down.'

"With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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