
By RadioGirl

Everything is OK

The meeting I attended this afternoon finished a bit early, so I popped down to the coffee shop on the piazza outside Broadcasting House for a latte, and sat outside for 15 minutes to drink it.

No sooner had I taken the first sip than a loud voice rang out of nowhere warning everybody on the piazza that we were being monitored on cctv and that anyone caught on video would have to pay a fee of £10. Everyone looked around, bemused. Then I noticed a man with a megaphone standing at the steel bollards by the entrance asking why, if the BBC could charge a licence fee to watch its live transmissions, should he not charge a fee of £10 for his own live "broadcasts". It soon became apparent that he was either a nutter or a comedian. Having now found out that he is self-styled "social experimentalist" and street performer/satirist Danny Shine, I'm still not too sure which it is...

I have to say, he did make us laugh a bit during his 5-minute megaphone broadcast. Here's one of the many videos of him in action, posted on YouTube under the series title "Everything is OK".

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