Before it gets too hot!

5.30am walk today and it was actually quite cool although the forecast is for humid 30C here today and tomorrow......yuk yuk yuk.

This is a view I have blipped before, Ellesborough Church and Cymbelines Mount....unusually they have cut and baled this field, it is usually grazed by friendly cattle!

Good deed for today was sort of assisting a lamb who had got it's head stuck through some wire netting, silly thing wasn't even trying to get out it was just bleating for it's Mum, I approached it very slowly and it decided it actually could get it's head out if it really tried and dashed off to find Mum!! Silly Sheep!

Feeling ok today but perhaps overdid the length of walk this morning, would like to get some deadheading done in the garden...........oh the frustration!!

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