Still Here!

By Yorkhull

A nearly day

I spent a couple of hours working from home this morning and kept a weather eye on the feeder. There were more birds as you had predicted but seemed to be mainly sparrows or blackbirds and I wanted to capture something new. Then a little bird arrived. Completely different plume but I cannot hazard a guess as to what it was. I got up and rushed to the hide. It was gone. I returned to my seat, it returned and again it had flew away before I was positioned. So I spent 15 minutes awaiting its return. I spotted it in the trees and was focused and as I pressed the button, it moved and I am the proud owner of a blurred bird pic. It then landed on the feeder and I managed four out of focus attempts before it flew off presumably satiated and free from my camera.

I also took this one so when nothing new emerged tonight I thought I'd share it. Off to Ravenscar, Scarborough and the east coast for four days, so no more bird pics for a few days. (Sighs of relief! The man is obsessed!)

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