
By todayoutof10

Made up...

I spent an early evening hour in the garden, enjoying the sun, feeling the vitamin D soaking into my skin, working its magic.

Hanging my washing, I was reminded, as I always am, of my mum. I've learned my hanging technique from her. Not on purpose - perhaps by osmosis.

A chum asked me today for the numbers that represent how much I'm like my mum and how much I'm like my dad.

That's a really interesting question. And one I reflect on often.

I read a quote from Muhammad Ali - if a man, at 50, views the world the same as he did at 20, he's wasted 30 years. What an insightful assertion.

In answer to my chum's question - my numbers change but I try to take the best of my dad and the best of my mum and surely that makes up my best me. And I'm a different me than I was 30 years ago. Different better, I hope.

Today outof10? A made up 7.7 ❤️

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