Welcome to the new world chicks!

These tree little babies are the new chicks in my garden. I reached them with my ladder and I could take this pic. I would like to take one better but it was not possible there was a lot of foliage on the top of the arch.
They are so little sweet things! I never saw chicks before- only in your blips and pictures.
I hope they survive. The mother never stopped to work looking for food around the garden. I think she is a black bird wwith spotts in the chest . i try to blip her tomorrow and you can see her. I think she lost weith..she is working to hard .
The big one in the apple tree still is there nesting. I hope to see her chick soon. She only has one egg and I can reach easily without the ladder.
Thanks a lot for the comments about yesterday's pic . I'm glad I made you smile with my stories in one day. It was so funny day and I laughed a lot despite everything.
Hope you had a nice day and nice weather .
Today it was the hottest hot of the year. I was sweating all day .

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