
By chrissypav


I think that's what they are? As i was washing up the breakfast dishes this morning i loved how these vibrant orange flowers were poking out from behind the BBQ leaning towards the light.. Lazy morning and hard to get going after last nights shenanigans. Alison text me to arrange a get together for a spot of lunch. I showered and had the for sight to take my swimming gear although i didn't take a towel. So when i was already on route to Alison's she text to see if i fancy a beach day.. Me a beach day? Hell yeh!! Alison kindly brought an extra towel and we met in Rottingdean.. After picking up a couple of healthy salads and carrot sticks with green beans we headed across the road to the beach...

I had my first swim in the sea this year and although not as warm as the Med was still lovely.. Land temperature sure is as warm as the med, so on our second swim after our bodies had warmed up, it felt chilly! I could have easily gone back down this evening but Stephen was tired after a full day at work!

I shouldn't share Alisons clothing malfunction but i will.......... Unlike me, Alison hadn't brought spare underwear, so had to travel home commando stylee.. With the two wet cirlces on her tshirt! Really good look i can tell you! We hadn't left the beach when horror of all horrors her shorts split exposing her bottom and i wish i had taken a photo of her expression! After laughing at her predicament and a woman walking by with a bag on her head who thought we were laughing at her which made the moment funnier. I offered her my sarong to wrap around her waist. So covered her ass and saved the day!!

I love days like today! Still laughing.......

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