Transforming the Pond

Pictures definitely tell stories, but one might be hard pressed to know exactly what the story behind this one might be…

Dana worked a lot harder than the picture would indicate, shoveling the mound of dirt, the top of which is visible in the foreground, into the hole after OilMan removed the big black receptacle, which will be buried in the dirt. David is in the hole behind the wall working on the electrical hook-up.

I spent the day trying to wrestle dead ice plant out from under the agave, which has wickedly sharp thorns. (Dana mentioned that they were recommended as good plants to put under windows to deter burglars. Not so good if the occupants were trying to escape a fire!) I also wrestled with Passiflora vines, euphorbia, an aggressive ground cover nobody knows the name of, aloe shoots and bamboo.

Rudy spent the day exploring the perimeter, and was so tired by the end of the day he could barely walk.

Ozzie spent the day inside sleeping.

It was a good day….

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