
By Technophobe

Here Comes Summer

'They' said it would be hot and it is. And it must be midsummer because I've just received my first Autumn clothes brochure featuring cashmere sweaters and warm coats. Thanks. I'll bear them in mind. Also we've just booked next years ski holiday so that's a sure sign of summer.

'They' also keep issuing hot weather warnings. Hello? It's summer. This is what we were yearning for in January when it was freezing cold and everywhere was flooded. 

Someone on the radio was telling people to keep an eye on the elderly during the hot weather.
LooseCanon and I both being in possession of a B and Q diamond card aren't sure if we should be checking on our even older neighbours or whether we are the checkees as it were. We decided just to check on each other

Are you hot?
Yeah. You?
What shall we do about it?
Put extra ice in the Gin and Tonic ?
That should do the trick

I went to Stratford Home and Garden Show today with friends. Really good. But hot.
This the swimming pool in a little walled garden of the huge Alscott Manor house where the show is being held. It looked very inviting.

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