Our Miracle

By babytotsmiracle

Well look what we have here!

Wasn't expecting to see this at all today! Have been ill all day with a stomach bug and then silly me managed to electrocute myself so to be on the safe side thought I would test because we are trying for a baby and was worried if I was pregnant the electric shock would of harmed my baby. Well I was shocked to see that it came up positive!!!

Not the best photo of mine but then my bathroom light isn't all that great! I took the test out of the casing as well because it was difficult to see the line with the shiny plastic screen over it!

So here is the start of baby Beard no.6 and fingers crossed in 9 months time I am able to post a photo of our miracle baby just after birth.

Will make sure I mention the electric shock to my doctor this week and hopefully no damage will have been done.

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