
By AnneILM60

Sticky Pollen

Watched this bee fly into the hibiscus flower, landing on the end of the pistil. It crawled to the far end of the pistil walking all over the anther. When it was full inside the flower. it was covered in so much pollen, it had difficulty and had to work some of it off before it could fly away again!

Had a wonderful lunch with a group of girlfriends as we celebrated our friend Lois' birthday today. (69, shhh, don't tell) Lois & her husband had just gotten home last week from serving an 18 month long mission in Guyana so we all had plenty to talk about. It was a lovely lunch as although we are all friends we seldom take the time to really just sit and talk to one another. We are usually doing something together.

It was a great day until I came home to find the bill for one of my MS meds. Oh well, life goes on and so do I. :-)

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