Reflecting on Auckland

I managed to squeeze myself a short window of time today (lunch time) to head out of the hotel and into auckland life beyond conferences.

I had a choice - make a beeline for the waterfront or head off to find the last Borders bookshop in New Zealand, which all the literature (online and in pamphlets) told me still existed. I opted for Borders - books being my downfall.

Sadly, all the literature lied so not only did I not get to the waterfront, I didn't get a Borders fix either. I did have a woodle through Whitcoulls, but when you're hopes are up for Borders, Whitcoulls just doesn't cut it. Sob sob.

And yeah, I knew really that the whole chain was now gone (in NZ anyway) but the dream just wouldn't die. I guess it's dead now!

Anyway, a photo of reflections on the side of a glass skyscraper. I'm not used to seeing them - all the ones in Christchurch having been demolished.

I'm off back to conference now for more workshops, then the formal dinner tonight.

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