Blowin' in the wind

A loooong walk today! 29000 steps! We set off from our cottage, down to the beach at Uragaig and up above the cliffs to Port Mhor, back along the road. On the map, it looked no great distance, but there was no proper path and we had to negotiate boggy ground and rocky chasms.
We ate our lunch down at a beach known as Pig's Paradise (apparently the locals once grazed their pigs on the greensward above it). The cliffs all round us were noisy with the cries of nesting fulmars, kittiwakes, guillemots and razorbills.
The walk took even longer because there were so many wild flowers and butterflies to look at and photograph. The last part was along a road and even that was full of interest - a freshly run-over rat and my first sighting of a corncrake..

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