Pitter Patter...

...went the rain in the afternoon.

Another warm and humid day today, which started at about 4.30am with a thunderstorm. Unfortunately there were only about 3 lightening strikes, so no real time to try and photograph them. Fortunately the rain was only steady.

By about 9am it had largely stopped raining and there was a bit of brightness in the sky, so I got the bike out and set off. I decided that it would be better to get out in the freshness after the storm and rain, and before it got too hot.

I headed off to do the new circuit that I aborted last Sunday. After passing through Stoney Stanton, I started to feel a few drops of rain, but I kept pressing on, and the drizzle was welcome as it was getting pretty humid already.

Just as I was about to go over the motorway bridge I saw a Buzzard roosting at the top of a dead tree. I stopped and rolled back into a gateway, got off my bike, got my camera out and as I was lifting it up to my face the Buzzard flew off! n*!#!

So I headed off into the drizzle again. When I got home and checked my odometer I was slightly disappointed to see that I'd only done just over 8 miles on this new route. Last week when I had aborted the circuit I ended up doing a fraction less than 9 miles.

I spent the afternoon sorting things out in the office, and then rain came back, big style. There were a couple of rumbles of thunder, and then it really lashed down. I took this picture of the rain bouncing off my patio table. I liked all the patterns the rebounding splashes were making.

After tea, the rain had stopped and I was reading with the door open and the smell of the honeysuckle wafting in on the breeze was very pleasant. I finished reading The Railway Man by Eric Lomax, which has recently been made in to a file starring Colin Firth. It was very compelling book, and it made me think that the events of the Second World War out in the far east are probably not as well known, certainly from a British perspective, as those in Europe and North Africa. I will have to look out for some more books or for documentaries on that part of the war.

I hope people didn't get too wet today, enjoy the rest of the weekend

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