
By middaypyjamas

Warm Fur

A quick blip for me today. After a day that was essentially a repeat of yesterday I found myself with no photos and no real idea of what to photograph. I searched the house and spotted a jacket a bought to battle the cold weather. Part of it’s armour is this fake fur that lines the inside of it as well as rims the hood. An incredibly comfortable jacket that in my opinion well deserves a blip.

There was one deviation to yesterday’s routine which was a visit and brunch with Jonathan and George. They met me at my place after work and we walked across to the cafe over the road, Lilo and Wren, to find it packed with people with even a few waiting. We quickly decided to bail on that one and instead walked up the road a bit further to another cafe called Wilfred Smith. It too was crowded but managed to find some room for the three of us. Some coffee and delicious food later found as well content and caught up on each others weeks.

Jon and George continued with their day and so I continued with mine, which basically meant I was back to the grind of trying to get this structuring for my screenplay done. I’m incredibly close to having it finished (although I doubt that it won’t change more as the process continues) and expect that I should be able to force the rest of it out tomorrow. Then it’s onto the first draft!

- Damian

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