Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Armour and sword

Evening all.

One if the striking things about Malta, partly due it's geographic and strategic location in the world, is the fusion of different cultures, the overwhelming one though i would guess is British, closely now followed by Italian then North African.

The obvious thing is that Malta still has so many echoes of the Empire about it you can see why its a draw to the Brits, in a nutshell it's just foreign enough to be exotic, but not exotic enough to be alien.

I read somewhere that Malta still goes in for bird hunting, and as there is a shadow of 1970s Britain hovering about the place, the references to go w2ith this photo are many and varied, the fun you could have doing the "duck" joke, the "Stop the Pigeon" references, but my favourite would have to be the Batfink one....

"my wings are like a shield of steel....."

night all


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