
Free Friday today brought another day of decorating punctuated with adventures.

First thing the walls and ceiling in the spare toom were prepped for painting, then I was off into town for some more Lightbulb photos. The site's supposed to go up this week, so I need to get the last of these images processed ASAP!

Then back home we were straight in with the painting. Between coats Gina and I went to have a look at the reclaimed timber yard (nothing good for us today), but then head onto a bathroom shop for some inspiration. We parked right outside, then had a wander around. 25 minutes later we emerged... and the car had gone.
After the initial panic, we took another look at the parking sign and realised that what hadn't been a clearway when we parked there was now a clearway. Meaning that it had been towed. B*%*#*%$.

After ringing around the police, the council, vicroads and a couple of tow companies, I finally managed to located who had it (a number on the sign would have been helpful at this stage). We picked Miles up from Daycare, dropped him with His Buddy and borrow His Buddy's parents' car, drove to Collingwood, alighted ourselves of $322 (!!), drove back, picked up the Goblin and got him to bed. We were up late painting after all that and only got one coat on the walls.

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