
By inkyanna

the 'wikings' are coming, run and hide!

Actually, they were going - to row/sail to Dublin from Orkney. They had come from Denmark, all 65 of a multi national crew. When they finally stopped eating mountains of fish and chips and stowed all their souvenirs away they finally all sat in their respective seats and pulled the oars out and POW! You finally got some idea of how scary it must have been to see a fleet of these warships coming towards you over the horizon with oars bristling and packed full of big, smelly vikings. It was worth the long wait, especially after the crowd on land feebly gave them 3 cheers and they responded by all standing up and letting out an almighty roar!
No.1 daughter looked on in awe and then announced she was going to take up sailing. Maybe I should just have taken them shopping after all!!

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