...but it's actually a pub.

Last day in Grimsby. We saw a number of establishments that were named

The Barge
The Friary
The Yarborough Hotel
The Wheatsheaf
The Tivoli (Gardens?)
Pepys (Diary?) and
The Bank (blipped)

...but they were misleading names. They were actually all pubs.

After saying our goodbyes to family, we went to the seashore to get some of the finest fish and chips and mushy peas for Dr T and then headed north. It was another hot, humid drive. I found myself stopping a couple of times and it felt like a great effort to get back into the car. We finally made it home and on the way from the car to our front door we ran into three neighbours - we live on a lovely street.

As this is Sunday, this song seemed apt.

Tomorrow (Monday) we're heading up north and I have no idea what wifi connections and downloading facilities may be like so I may not see you for a wee while. I wish you all well.

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