
By keithyboy

Rhino's Ski Shack

Night off tonight, people from work were heading out and Niloy is in town so drinks were in order. There was a bit of trauma to go through before reaching town, the freezing rain caused me to fall on my head and slide part of the way down the unlit path that links my street to Fernhill Road. The light on my phone wasn't enough to show where the ice started so my skating skill was tested and it turns out I can't skate. Being turned around while sliding on my back was quite disorienting, my shoelace got stuck on a fence and I went headfirst down the hill before stopping a leg length later to untangle the lace.

Finally, a bit shaken and sore, we met in town. This was my first trip to the new bar Rhino's Ski Shack. Quite nice if a bit too hot when it's crowded. As you can see, the decor pays homage to the world's most famous ski destinations. Rathrr fittingly, our table was under the Banff sign.

A good night was had by all and my night ended up waiting outside the bakery for Nomi to finish so we could share a taxi.

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